IMPACT in Washington, D.C.!
Lab members present our work at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (August) and at the International Society for Bipolar Disorders annual conference (May)

Anna Van Meter with APA President, Antonio Puente at a reception for the American Psychological Foundation

Jun Min Koay and Joey Sergi present work on the moderating effect of emotion regulation on the relation between BIS, BAS, and mood symptoms at ISBD

Jun Min Koay presents his poster on the role of BIS and BAS in youth internalizing and externalizing symptoms at APA

Joey Sergi and Jun Min Koay present their poster on how family history impacts the role of sleep in the onset of mania at ISBD
IMPACT takes on the ABCT Gold Challenge to raise money for student scholarships.
IMPACT in New York City!
Strong showing by lab members at the Annual Convention of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry AND the Annual Conference of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies - October 2016

Neha Agrawal presents on the role of social support in young adults' mental health treatment attitudes/behavior at ABCT

Yana Lechtman presents her poster on the roles of BIS, BAS, and expressed emotion in youth internalizing and externalizing symptoms at AACAP

Neha Agrawal discusses her poster with other conference attendees

Michelle Chu presents work on the role of emotion regulation in the relation between personality & depression at ABCT

Jun Min Koay presents preliminary results from an ongoing study looking at differences in emotion regulation between people with bipolar disorder and healthy controls

Yana Lechtman presents on differences in youth physical health across diagnostic groups at ABCT
IMPACT in Denver!
Dr. Van Meter presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association as part of the Society for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.

Anna Van Meter introduces a symposium on irritability in youth

Poster on a meta-analysis of community prevalence of bipolar disorder in youth
IMPACT in Amsterdam!
Dr. Van Meter presented new research from the lab at the International Society for Bipolar Disorders conference.
IMPACT goes to Puerto Rico!
Dr. Van Meter presenting our work at the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology!

IMPACT goes virtual!
Ellen Anderson presenting our work at the annual meeting for the Association for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies.

IMPACT goes virtual!
Dr. Van Meter presenting our work at the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Conference.

IMPACT goes virtual!
Ellen Anderson presenting our work at the Journal for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology Future Directions Forum.

IMPACT in Atlanta!
Lauren Yang presenting our work at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Conference in the Bipolar Disorders Special Interest Group.

IMPACT in New York City!
Presenting our work at the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research poster session

Shira Wein (left) presents her poster on the moderating role of religiosity on the relation between stress and depression
Ellen Anderson (second from left) presents on the role family and peer support play in body image dissatisfaction in college-aged women.
Drs. Neha Agrawal, Melissa Roed, and Yana Lechtman at their graduation from Ferkauf.
IMPACT in Australia!
We had a great time presenting (and exploring) at the annual conference of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders in Sydney

One of five sessions we participated in at ISBD - all highlighting research to help young people affected by bipolar disorder
In Sydney Harbor with Robert Post, MD - a hero in the field!
IMPACT joins the Society for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology Board!
IMPACT in San Diego!
Our work at the ABCT Annual Conference

Anna Van Meter is elected Secretary of the Board. She is excited to work with this group to promote evidence-based mental healthcare for children and adolescents.

Jun Min Koay presents his poster on the moderating role of culture on the relation between expressed emotion and perceived support in families
IMPACT in Washington, D.C.!
Lab members present our work at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (August) and at the International Society for Bipolar Disorders annual conference (May)

Anna Van Meter with APA President, Antonio Puente at a reception for the American Psychological Foundation

Jun Min Koay and Joey Sergi present work on the moderating effect of emotion regulation on the relation between BIS, BAS, and mood symptoms at ISBD

Jun Min Koay presents his poster on the role of BIS and BAS in youth internalizing and externalizing symptoms at APA

Joey Sergi and Jun Min Koay present their poster on how family history impacts the role of sleep in the onset of mania at ISBD
IMPACT in New York City!
Strong showing by lab members at the Annual Convention of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry AND the Annual Conference of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies - October 2016

Neha Agrawal discusses her poster with other conference attendees

Neha Agrawal presents on the role of social support in young adults' mental health treatment attitudes/behavior at ABCT
Michelle Chu presents work on the role of emotion regulation in the relation between personality & depression at ABCT

Yana Lechtman presents her poster on the roles of BIS, BAS, and expressed emotion in youth internalizing and externalizing symptoms at AACAP

Yana Lechtman presents on differences in youth physical health across diagnostic groups at ABCT

Neha Agrawal discusses her poster with other conference attendees
Jun Min Koay presents preliminary results from an ongoing study looking at differences in emotion regulation between people with bipolar disorder and healthy controls
IMPACT in Denver!
Dr. Van Meter presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association as part of the Society for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

Anna Van Meter introduces a symposium on irritability in youth
Poster on a meta-analysis of community prevalence of bipolar disorder in youth
IMPACT in Amsterdam!
Dr. Van Meter presented new research from the lab at the International Society for Bipolar Disorders conference.

Anna Van Meter with colleague, Ana Lucia Moreira, after presenting in the Bipolar by the Numbers symposium
Poster on preliminary results from the Emotion Recognition Modification study